When you are injured in a car accident, you undoubtedly have many concerns about your physical well-being and monetary losses. Obtaining prompt medical treatment must be your priority. However, it is very worrisome when the medical treatment bills from an accident start adding up, especially during these tough economic times. None of use wants to be left with daunting medical bills while an injury case proceeds through the claims or litigation process.
You may ask yourself, “why should I use my own insurance to pay these medical bills” or “why should I have to pay for this medical treatment when the accident was not my fault?” Keep in mind that no two cases are alike with regard to health insurance benefits, dealing with medical bills or reimbursement costs. This is why it is crucial that you get sound advice and the expertise of a St. Louis accident attorney or Illinois car crash lawyer who is experienced with these matters to allow you to maximize your recovery of damages.
Health Insurance Through Your Employer: If you have health insurance through an employer, this is a benefit that you have earned or paid for and you should utilize its advantages. Your health insurance company has already done some of the work to save you money by negotiating a reduced “contracted” rate for medical services. For example, you may pay $150 for a neck X-ray if you paid cash, but your insurance company only pays $45 for the same service. However, insurance companies often have a right to “subrogation” or “reimbursement” of any medical bills they pay if you have a monetary recovery against a third-party. A Missouri car accident attorney can often negotiate to reduce the amount you are obligated to reimburse your insurance company at the conclusion of your Missouri car accident case or Illinois car accident case.
Medicare/Medicaid: Under the same principles, government subsidized health insurance has reduced the amount of services even lower than private health insurance companies. Keep in mind that any benefits paid on your behalf are considered a “super lien” and must be reimbursed to the government and they are tenacious about being paid back. I have had great success in negotiating a reduced payback on behalf of my clients, but it working with them on a correct lien amount can be complex and does indeed require the assistance and advice of an accident injury lawyer.
Medical Payments Coverage: It may be the case that you purchased medical payments coverage as an addition to your required vehicle liability coverage. I help many clients recover additional proceeds to cover their medical expenses through their “med pay” coverage. In fact, many clients aren’t even aware they have the coverage and how it works. In some states, you are required to reimburse your liability carrier for med pay. An accident attorney will investigate the applicability of the coverage, collect any proceeds available on your behalf and negotiate a reduced repayment, if any.
Maximizing Your Final Recovery: Maneuvering through all the complicated health insurance and medical bill factors is difficult, to say the least. Let a car crash attorney handle that – you focus on getting better.