OSHA requires that machines in the work place have certain precautions in place.  The manufacturers of such machines must not sell or distribute these machines without certain safety shut off switches and machine guards.  Without these safety features, fingers, rings, even hands and arms, can be be severed or amputated if a piece of clothing gets caught in a machine.  If a piece of metal or other object falls into a machine, such as a grinder, the object can be thrown into the air, severely injuring (even blinding) the worker.  These injuries can be avoided.  Industrial workplaces already have many unavoidable hazards.  It is crucial that machine manufactures make machines with proper safeguards and that the employers who purchase these machines carefully instruct, train and monitor the workers.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective machine, or a machine missing a guard, safety shut off switch, or other safeguard, you should speak with a machine defect attorney or machine injury attorney.